As more people are getting connected to the grid, the electricity demand is expected to rise. Socio-economic challenges combined with limited supply and current power challenges mean that more must be done to keep up with the rising energy demands. It is likely that solid Public, Private Partnerships will be necessary to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy.

By 2030 it is expected that there will be universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services globally. The shift to achieve this target will be gradually, and for some countries, it will be close to impossible unless serious actions are taken. It is estimated that almost 13% of the population globally still doesn’t have access to modern energy. It is a balancing act between ensuring that those who don’t have access to power are connected while we transition to more cleaner and sustainable energy alternatives.

Power utilities require enough budget and funding to balance these equally essential tasks. One of the strategies to increase funding is to ensure that utilities produce electricity efficiently with low operating costs so that more funds can be invested toward cleaner energy goals. We work with power utilities to help them reduce their operating costs by implementing technologies using their existing infrastructure.

According to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 7 facts and figures, energy is the dominant contributor to climate change, accounting for around 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. One of the SDG 7 targets is to increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix substantially by 2030.

The term “load shedding” has become familiar not only to South Africa but to other developing countries as well. Most businesses and households have implemented measures such as installing rooftop solar systems and backup generators. In the case of solar energy, it is unfortunate that the energy is not always produced at the time when energy is needed the most. Sometimes, peak power usage occurs when solar energy generations are low.

The Battery Energy Storage System will ensure that your business has power even when the sun has not been shining for days. We design, install, commission, and operate energy storage systems with advanced safety and sustainability features. We design for home use to large commercial or industrial installations, considering the capability to re-use and recycle over 90% of all active battery materials lasting for over 20 years in operation.


IoT in Power and Renewable Energy Initiatives

IoT in Power & Energy

As part of reducing operating costs and improving efficiency in power utilities, we have spent time in Research and Development and creating international and local partnerships. The aim is to make the African power utilities more profitable to plan for 2030 goals while meeting current energy demands. 

No more unplanned shutdowns and unnecessary plant outages for preventative maintenance, thanks to our predictive maintenance applications. Our platform will use your existing data from the Cloud or Historian to give you better insights into your processes for better decision making. There is no need to upgrade your current control system; we can easily integrate with your existing automation systems.

Renewable Energy Technologies

While focusing on improving the availability, efficiency, reliability, and profitability of the existing power generating plants, we have also developed the capacity to design, install, commission, and operate renewable energy plants. These include solar and wind farms for both private and commercial use.

Our team assist with energy audits and developing an energy management systems (ISO 5001) for those organisations that are committed to addressing their impact, conserving resources and improving their bottom line through efficient energy management.



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